Channel: Latest Questions by Marnix
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Inspector turns black on refresh

When I select something from the project view to see it in the inspector, the inspector turns black. This is not always the case, but it is reproduce-able when I select a material. Resizing the...

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Where is the meta page for unityAnswers?

I know I shouldn't ask this question here, because it is a meta question. But: WHERE IS THE META PAGE?I see that this community is so "polluted" in comparison to stackoverflow. I think it would make...

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Assign skybox in script

I am creating a gameObject in code and I want to assign a camera and a skybox to it. I'm doing it like this, but I don't know how to find a skybox texture in the standard assets:GameObject go = new...

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Preview cubemap rendertexture on screen

I know how to make a cubemap with a RenderTexture, but how can I set this cubemapped RenderTexture as a GUI image to preview it in my game?Normal GUI images work, but this cubemap doesn't show. Only a...

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Community user is popping up old questions

The Community user is popping up very old questions which are already answered. These are all questions that have not been accepted by users in the past. This gives a blurry view of which questions are...

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Water3Example has strange refraction

I created a very simple scene with a few cubes, spheres and the water 3 example. I also set as much settings to off as possible. Bug somehow, the refraction that is left looks like a skewed reflection....

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Particle collision on instantiate doesn't send

When a particle is created by my particle emitter (it's a large and long particle) and it is instanced inside a collidable object. It doesn't trigger the OnParticleCollision() event of the particle. It...

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Continue particle through world particle collider

When I have a world particle collider that lets my particles collide to an object, I want the particles to continue their path. At the moment I can only manage to bounce or to kill the objects. How do...

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Where did my karma come from?

How can I see where my Karma came from? I only see a graph with how much per day, but not with from which question it came from.

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layerCullDistances farther than farClipPlane

I am looking for a way to overrule the clipping plane of the camera. Why? Because I have an object that is very far away, but should always be drawn. The rest of the objects in the camera should use...

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Reference to a library

I found this question: http://answers.unity3d.com/questions/30143/how-can-i-put-components-in-external-dlls-and-stor.html It talks about using DLL's in a project and that it would be possible to use...

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Is the Unity IDE written in Java?

I was experiencing problems with Java a while ago and Unity was also affected by the problem. I had a wrong version of Java on my computer with the wrong graphics driver and only Java went wrong. It...

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How to combine two or more shaders?

I know that it is possible in OpenGL to combine multiple fragment shaders after one another. Is something like this also possible in Unity? And differently, is it also possible to import a piece of...

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Combining multiple layers and water

I have a major problem with my depth buffers and I hope that someone knows a good fix for this one. I am using two layers for drawing. The first layer draws the background of my scene, which is very...

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Repeat texture in mirror mode

Is it possible to set your uv tiling on mirror repeat? I do know that OpenGL supports it and DirectX does so too. So, instead of just repeating the texture, the texture needs to be flipped instead of...

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Frictionless physics

We are trying to create an educational game that only has very basic physics. Friction should be rejected. But somehow, objects still slow down when we put them in a half-pipe of planes. Also,...

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Best way to handle exceptions in release

What is the best way to throw errors in your game? I was trying to using actual exceptions, but Unity is a bit different than normal applications since they have an entry point and unity doesn't. So...

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Clear depth buffer between two layers

I am trying to draw a layer, clear the z-buffer and then draw the other layers. But I don't seem to have the access in Unity to call the camera's functions in between drawing. I want to do this,...

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Let mouse continue on other side of the screen

When my mouse hits the side of the screen, it stops. Is there a simple option in the `Screen` class or something that makes the mouse go to the other side of the screen? So it is a continuous mouse?

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NavMeshAgent does not update when off screen

I am running the `NavMeshExample`s that are provided on the Unity download page. I place a camera that can rotate around and I found out that `NavMeshAgent`s are not updated when they are off screen...

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Loading a level and getting all new gameobjects

Is it possible to load a Scene with `Application.LoadLevel` and get all newly added GameObjects that have been loaded?

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Blender User Properties to PostProcess

I am trying to read user properties from blender into Unity, but I can't get it working. public class MyPostProcessor : AssetPostprocessor { void OnPostprocessGameObjectWithUserProperties(GameObject...

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Get depth buffer size from screen

Is it possible to retrieve the number of depth buffer bits from the screen, so I can copy the number into a new RenderTexture? // Screen.depth doesn't exist RenderTexture rt = new...

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Mesh.CombineMeshes flips normals

I am trying to use the following example script to combine small parts of a mesh into one, so I am able to make a dynamic terrain:...

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Cannot find light probes when adding them to the scene

I cannot figure out how the light probes are working. I've added **component > miscellaneous > Light Probe Group** to a new gameobject. When I press Add Probe, nothing happens. I've tried...

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Dtd validation with TextAsset xml gives exception

I am trying to load xml files and validate them on a DTD file that I've created. But an error is returned by the `XmlDocument`. I find it quite obvious why the error is thrown, but I would also like to...

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GL Class gives different results after building

I am using the WireframeLineRenderer used on this forum: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/8814-Wireframe-3D/page3 It works well in Editor mode, but when I try it in my built application (pc...

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Access Shuriken ParicleSystem through code

I am trying to enable world collision through code but I cannot find any code access in the Shuriken ParticleSystem. I expected that Unity 4 would give some more freedom in the particle systems. Is...

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UsePass from built-in surface shaders

I am looking for a way to call the built-in shader passes. I already tried: UsePass "Diffuse/FORWARD" This seemed to work, but makes shadows of other objects visible through this object. There is no...

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